Sunday, January 31, 2010

#22 Learn about Audiobooks

This is another topics that I really want to investigate. I like listening to audio books while commuting to work and I found playaways very handy at home doing house work or while cooking. The ability to find and transfer titles to my laptop or any portable audio player is very appealing to me. Two weeks ago, I started reading about this exercise at the library when I can. I prepare to actually do some downloading by bringing my laptop to work during the assigned training hour. Even with the faster internet at Davis, it took a lot longer than I wish. It took me another day at home to establish an Overdrive and NetLibrary account and download all the required applications to finally explore titles and check out. I am happy to report that I was successful in downloading both:
-Super Rx by Steven Pratt
-the graphic novel Hamlet by Shakespeare
and audiobook
-Being Nikki by Meg Cabot
to play on my laptop. The ebooks are harder to read but will be useful for browsing nonfiction titles. I certainly will continue to search for audio books with both Overdrive and Netlibrary. With the set up I have at home, I will probably just download and play on my laptop since transferring any of these to CD or MP3 will take too much time.

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