This is my attempt to use Googledoc to make a spreadsheet.
I find this easier to use then Zohowriter.
Monday, December 7, 2009
#18 Take a look at some online productivity tools
The following is from an original ZOHOwriter document
This unit should prove useful and interesting. I have received a HPmini webbook as a birthday present and was curious if Googledoc would work there since the mini comes with nothing but web surfing capabilities. I am going to try both Zohowriter and Googledoc just to compare them. With both sites, I was able to save, copy and then print out documents. Both sites have plenty of tools, templates etc... to use. I probably will end up using Googledoc just because both my daughters use it. It will be easier for me to learn just one system.
This unit should prove useful and interesting. I have received a HPmini webbook as a birthday present and was curious if Googledoc would work there since the mini comes with nothing but web surfing capabilities. I am going to try both Zohowriter and Googledoc just to compare them. With both sites, I was able to save, copy and then print out documents. Both sites have plenty of tools, templates etc... to use. I probably will end up using Googledoc just because both my daughters use it. It will be easier for me to learn just one system.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
#17 Add an entry into the Sandbox Wiki created with PB Wiki
PB Wiki Tour -
PBWiki Video Gallery - both these two resources are Not Found. My attempts to log in to the Sandbox Wiki is also not successful. I tried all the combination of the provided password with no success.
PBWiki Video Gallery - both these two resources are Not Found. My attempts to log in to the Sandbox Wiki is also not successful. I tried all the combination of the provided password with no success.
#16 Learn about wikis
and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them
When I tried to start this unit last week, the amount of information from the first resource reading (Lamb, Brian. "Wide Open Spaces: Wikis, Ready or Not." Educause Review. Sept/Oct 2004.) was so much that I decided to print everything out and read them on paper a little at a time. Later, when I was ready to read them, I somehow started with "A Wiki as a Research Guide" by Chad Boeninger, which is much easier to understand and made reading the other three articles easier to follow. I found the best explanation and instructions to set up or use any wiki in the Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki site. I used to think of Wiki as an open chat room type bulletin board but now think that they could be very handy tools. Use in libraries could be for : subject guides, annotating catalog, community wiki, FOL wiki. More specifically, we can have a branch wiki, circulation problems wiki ( media problem, even supplies sharing), troubleshooting equipment wiki etc... of course all should be password protected. Of the exemples shown, the SJCPL Subject Guides,the OCLC Open WorldCat at are all very interestingSunday, November 15, 2009
#15 Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?
Where will the next generation Web take libraries?
This unit takes some pondering. After reading the five different perspectives on Web.2 and Library.2, I tend to agree with the last commenter, Dr Wendy Schultz. her view that " Libraries represent a resource base, contributing to educating the labour force, to supporting innovation processes fueling growth, and to informing the present and the future—whether in the neighborhood, in academia, or in business." in the past and that in the future "with the characteristics of our emerging information infrastructure: the library is everywhere, barrier-free, and participatory." and future librarians as virtual tour guide to a 3DLibrary is what I'd imagine what we are slowly changing into. MCPL is also slowly trying to change. I can see the increase in Hold placed in MCPL as a sign that instead of going to a local branch to browse our patrons are browsing from their computer and "ordering" their choices there. I am hoping that when Kindles or some other ebooks replaces a printed book, Library can become " knowledge spa" and "a retreat from technohustle, with comfortable chairs, quiet, good light, coffee and single malt" like Dr. Schultz preditcs.Friday, October 30, 2009
#14 Discover Technorati and learn how tags work with blogs
how does a person get their blog listed as part of the blogosphere and how can you tag your posts with keywords to make them more findable through a Technorati search?
Doing the recommended exercises, I did a keyword search for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory. The first search yielded 1100 results, the second and third gave me an equivalent of an error message. Not wanting to give up I tried "Montgomery county" which yielded 62 results in both Blog posts and Tags. I then tried "23things" which gives 201 blogs in both places and they seem to be identical. I expected to find something with the 23things search since a lot of participants of this training have embedded the word in their blog name. If I am looking to find out more opinions on our training outside of MCPL this should be a good way to go about it.
As far as tagging my posts or my blog, I think I'll pass. When I am searching for something on the internet, the hits that irritate me most are random posts from nowhere blogs. I am counting my blog as one of those so tagging them will only irritate someone somewhere looking for more relevant information.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
#13 Tagging and Discover
- Took a look around using the PLCMCL2 account
- The tutorial video is no longer available.
- Explore the site options and try clicking on a bookmark. Cannot see any comments. May be doing this wrong.
#12 Roll your own search tool with Rollyo
I started this yesterday but did not have enough time to complete the exercise. I am trying again today with not much luck. I was prepared to make my own search tool with Rollyo. I even had the subject picked out and websites ready but when I try to create the search roll it failed three times.
I decided to give this an incomplete and move on; so, not Rollyo for me.
I decided to give this an incomplete and move on; so, not Rollyo for me.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Things 11 Catalog my favorite books
Created an account on Librarythings.
to set up my true library of books read will take a long time, so I randomly put in about 20 books that I've read recently or otherwise.
The most fun part is trying to input some Chinese books that I like and found out that I can actually find some of them in the Hong Kong University library. I know carries Chinese books and may have some of the books that I've read but since the Chinese books that I like are not academic ones I did not think that HKU has them.
I'd like to suggest to some of our patrons to use LibraryThings to keep track of what they've read instead of asking us about books that they returned and are no longer in our records.
to set up my true library of books read will take a long time, so I randomly put in about 20 books that I've read recently or otherwise.
The most fun part is trying to input some Chinese books that I like and found out that I can actually find some of them in the Hong Kong University library. I know carries Chinese books and may have some of the books that I've read but since the Chinese books that I like are not academic ones I did not think that HKU has them.
I'd like to suggest to some of our patrons to use LibraryThings to keep track of what they've read instead of asking us about books that they returned and are no longer in our records.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thing 10/part 3
Thank you so much. But really, it's just an honor to be nominated alongside so many other powerful actors. I want to thank my agent, who stuck with me after I was found burning that sea. I'd like to also thank my smooth family, and bright hallway. I better stop now before I say something mysterious. Thank you, and majestic!
Thing 10/ part 1

The color did not turn out as I wish but I do want to explore other generators so on to the next one.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
#9 Explore MERLIN and then locate a few other useful library-related blogs and/or news feeds
Merlin or maybe MERLIN, I've actually "met" MERLIN three years ago when I was taking another class. So, it is easy to navigate through this website. Following the direction from the 23 things check list, I explore some of the search tools that can help me locate news feeds. Did not add any to my bloglines except Merlin and READ.GOV
Spend the hour trying to get an avatar. here is the result

C:\Users\network-al\Pictures\my stuff\2_bodyshot_300x400.gif
Spend the hour trying to get an avatar. here is the result

Thursday, October 8, 2009
RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”
Just set up my bloglines account. It seems like such a very useful "thing". I'd like to be able to go to one spot and keep up with the various sites I usually follows. So far, there is only one that I cannot feed to my bloglines account.
I was not able to view the tutorial at Davis so I printed
I was not able to view the tutorial at Davis so I printed
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thing 7
Back when I was in Hong Kong a week ago, video cameras are all the rage. You can find them in all styles and forms from ultra modern to very cute designs.
I was impressed by this new technology ( maybe not that new but only recently very affordable?) in a rather personal way.
My husband's aunt who lives in Hong Kong, is sick with cancer and no longer able to travel. Thanks to this technology she was able to visit daily with her fifteen month old grandson who lives across the ocean in California.
The little boy was so used to see his aunt through the video cam that when he comes to visit the family in Hong Kong, he automatically looks to their computer when he hears her voice greetings him personally.
Well then, I do not know a lot about this technology but I can see the good that it can provide for at least one family.
Back when I was in Hong Kong a week ago, video cameras are all the rage. You can find them in all styles and forms from ultra modern to very cute designs.
I was impressed by this new technology ( maybe not that new but only recently very affordable?) in a rather personal way.
My husband's aunt who lives in Hong Kong, is sick with cancer and no longer able to travel. Thanks to this technology she was able to visit daily with her fifteen month old grandson who lives across the ocean in California.
The little boy was so used to see his aunt through the video cam that when he comes to visit the family in Hong Kong, he automatically looks to their computer when he hears her voice greetings him personally.
Well then, I do not know a lot about this technology but I can see the good that it can provide for at least one family.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
week three or four
Skip two weeks for vacation etc...Just did the flicker read. Need to have some more pictures to explore the site.
Posted by sun2009 at 4:55 PM 0 comments
New blog
just created another blog since I forgot the name of the first one.Actually, I left the whole packet at home.
Posted by sun2009 at 4:53 PM 0 comments
week three or four
Skip two weeks for vacation etc...Just did the flicker read. Need to have some more pictures to explore the site.
Posted by sun2009 at 4:55 PM 0 comments
New blog
just created another blog since I forgot the name of the first one.Actually, I left the whole packet at home.
Posted by sun2009 at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Creating my blog is easier than I expected but maybe maintaining it is another story.
I am going to use this as my progress note on this training.
so this is thing2 8/7/2009
I am going to use this as my progress note on this training.
so this is thing2 8/7/2009
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