Sunday, November 15, 2009

#15 Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

Where will the next generation Web take libraries?

This unit takes some pondering. After reading the five different perspectives on Web.2 and Library.2, I tend to agree with the last commenter, Dr Wendy Schultz. her view that " Libraries represent a resource base, contributing to educating the labour force, to supporting innovation processes fueling growth, and to informing the present and the future—whether in the neighborhood, in academia, or in business." in the past and that in the future "with the characteristics of our emerging information infrastructure: the library is everywhere, barrier-free, and participatory." and future librarians as virtual tour guide to a 3DLibrary is what I'd imagine what we are slowly changing into. MCPL is also slowly trying to change. I can see the increase in Hold placed in MCPL as a sign that instead of going to a local branch to browse our patrons are browsing from their computer and "ordering" their choices there. I am hoping that when Kindles or some other ebooks replaces a printed book, Library can become " knowledge spa" and "a retreat from technohustle, with comfortable chairs, quiet, good light, coffee and single malt" like Dr. Schultz preditcs.

1 comment:

  1. Once this annoying recession is over, we should start mailing books to patrons! The patrons would love it and I bet our circ numbers would soar. It might mean a tad bit more work (or maybe a whole bunch) for the staff, but heh, it means we could hire more people!
